Quick Silver Systems, Inc. - Screen Time Eye Care Tips

Are your eyes begging for a break from your screen?

Screens dominate our tech-driven world, but they're also the culprit behind eye strain. Let me share a game-changing technique: the 20-20-20 rule. After 20 minutes of screen time, take a 20-second break and focus on an object 20 feet away. It's a simple hack that works wonders in combating eye fatigue.

But here's another lesser-known trick: keep your room well-lit! Brightening up your space can significantly reduce eye strain.

Quick Silver Systems, Inc. - Screen Time Eye Care Tips

Now, I'm curious, how do you pamper your precious peepers? Let's swap strategies and soak up wisdom from each other's experiences.

Drop your eye-care secrets below and let's give our eyes the TLC they deserve!

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